
Homestuck rping troll 2: Cignun Barkin

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What is your full name? – Cignun Barkin

Gender? - Female

What’s your Blood color? (Land or seadweller?) – Scarlet red and Landdweller

What is your Trolltag and typing quirk? – waggingSapphire and she uses dog puns.

<ex. “whoops”-“woofs” “going nuts”-“going mutts” “feferi”-“feffuri” “dark”-“bark”>

She also uses them for cusses

<ex. “bark you” “you son of a woof”>

How’s your vocabulary? Any particular phrase you like to use? – she doesn’t use many phrases

How old are you? When’s your Wriggling day?? – 6 sweeps and November 18th


Describe what your sign looks like. – a triangle with a curved line going up to right. It is Canis Minor (Little Dog)

Write a full physical description of yourself. – Short messy ish hair, gray skin, yellow full eyes, black lips, fangs, muffin top like figure.

Horns: right (troll’s left) is long and curved back <at an angle, it looks like it is turning to the left (troll’s right). Left (troll’s right) is short with a curve at the top that points to the right (troll’s left)

Clothes: shirt is all black with the scarlet Canis Minor sign in the middle, sleeves go to elbows. Shorts that go above the knees, white socks, scarlet red flats.

Any cool powers? – I can move things with my mind. Sometimes she can’t control it

Right or left handed? - right

Strife specibus? (Optional- briefly describe how your fetch modus works) – Keykind (like the keyblade in Kingdome Hearts) and she uses the book modus. You have to write down your item, then if you need it, you must read what you will do with it

<ex. “ball”- “She reaches over to the ball, and throws it across the yard to distract the consorts.”>

What is something you like to keep in an accessible place in your sylladex? – phone/laptop

Describe your lusus. – Cerberus (the three headed dog from greek mythology)

Do you get along well with your lusus? Are they difficult to feed? – yes and they are easy to feed

Give a brief description of your hive. – it is small with a backyard like area for the lusus. The hive is tidy.

What are three random interests you have? – animals, music, and freedom

How do you handle stress? – leave, then come back in when calm

Do you have a mutation or weakness of any kind that could get you culled? If so, how are you still alive? – if being very low on the hemospectrum counts, then she survived by stay away from very violent highbloods

What do you know about your ancestor? Do you even believe in that story? – she knows that she was a servant for highbloods such as Darkleer. She died by being burned at the stake




Are you a leader or a follower? - follower

Are you more introverted or extroverted? - introverted

Do you tend to argue or avoid conflict? - avoid

Are you a listener or a talker? - listener

How long is your attention span? – depends on what interests her

Do you laugh a lot? What’s funny to you? – she doesn’t laugh at a lot of things

Are you more Athletic, Artistic, or Intellectual? - artistic

What would you do if someone attacked you for no reason? – try to fight back before demanding answers as to why

Any Fears? - death

What would happen if your greatest fear manifested itself? – run

Do you make decisions based on Emotions or logic? - emotions

Game only questions



(Only answer these if you are in a Sburb/Sgrub/Whatever game session- or if you just want to. If not, skip these.)

At first, did you want to play? Who convinced you to join? – she didn’t want to play. Aradia convinced her to play

Derse or prospit? When did you wake up on your moon? – derse and she woke up when she turned 6 sweeps old

How many others are in the session with you? - 12

Did you prototype anything weird as your sprite? – no. just her lusus

Name, and then briefly describe your Land. How did you feel when you first arrived? – The land of stairs and beauty. It is a dawn lit place with a labyrinth of blue stairs. Out the windows shines bright red dawn like light with a jade colored ground.

What was your quest? – Her goal was to achieve god tier and save her home

What are your consorts like? – demanding and they like magic

What Is your Classpect? Active or passive? – Mage of Space (active)

Did you die? If so, how? Were you revived? Did you go God Tier? (If you died more than once, answer for all deaths) – She did get to be god tier. She did die on derse and she wasn’t revived because she could wake up in real life.

If you are God Tier, Describe how you felt in the moments before you died and directly after you woke up again. – when she died, she felt cold and scared. After she became god tier, she felt at peace.

If applicable, was your death Heroic or Just? Why? – heroically because she saved her consorts and friends before her land was being destroyed. How she died at her death bed is that she was carried there by her consorts.

Who is your Server player? Client player? – server, equius. Client, terezi

Denizen? Did you ever face them? How did that go? – Enchidna. She didn’t fight them. What she did was talk to them, then did a few tasks for them, then she got through.




What is your earliest memory? -  she can’t remember a whole lot about it

What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? – the day she met the descendant of Darkleer

Who has had the most influence on you? - highbloods

What is your greatest regret? – disobeying highbloods

Have you killed somebody? How do you feel about it? Have you killed more than one person? Then whose death impacted you the most? -  killing her lusus was painful to her

Has someone close to you died? How? If they were killed, do you want revenge? – her lusus died in a fire. When she had to cull her, she chose not to do it herself. She used a fire instead.

Embarrassing story- Go! – she dumped grub sauce on her in front of her crush

Have you ever almost died or otherwise had a bad major injury? What happened? – she went into a coma. She was leaving her hive to talk with her lusus, then the door hit her….hard. I can tell you, she had a great view of derse.

If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why? – she would choose a different musical instrument

Has anyone ever betrayed you or stabbed you in the back? Do you forgive them? – her kismesis, vriska, used her powers to drive her to suicide. She did forgive her.

Have you betrayed somebody? Why? Do you regret it? – she’d never betray anyone

Tell the story of a scar you have. – equius went to pat her on the back…bad idea. She has a large bruise on her back.




In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does this change if you know them well? -  she treats them with respect

What do you look for in a potential matesprit? – someone who loves her for her and someone she can care for.

Any current relationships? – yes and they are down below

Matesprit? – none, but she is crushing on gamzee

Morial? – aradia

Kismesis? - vriska

Auspistice? (What leaf?) – eridan is trying cignun’s attention away from her crush

What are some past relationships that didn’t quite work out? – her and kanaya as kismesis. They are now friends instead

If you have a morial, do you usually find yourself calming down your partner or is it the other way around? – the other way around

First kiss? - nope

Is there anyone you (platonically) despise? – vriska and eridan

Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? - equius

Let’s be honest. Any crushes? Do you plan to do anything about them? – gamzee and she wants to confesses her feelings to him

You find yourself in a fight. Who do you most want to have your back? – vriska. They might fight, but she is good at fighting

Who do you talk to when you want to rant about something? - aradia

If you died or went missing, who do you think would miss you? – maybe eridan

Would you rather be in a big group or small one? – small one

How long does it usually take for you to trust others? – it takes about a week

Do you care what others think of you? Really think about it. Do you? – she tries not to think about it. If people don’t like her, she’ll leave them alone

Do you hold grudges? -  no

Opinions and Interests



How do you feel about where you stand on the Hemospectrum? – she feels scared that highbloods may be after her skin because of how low she is.

What are your opinions on the Hemospectrum as a class system in general? – she thinks it’s unfair that they classify people by blood, but she can’t do anything about it.

When you look at someone, how much does their blood color have to do with your opinion of them? – higher blood: treat them with respect and don’t anger them. Lower: fine

Do you like to read? If so, what genre? - she likes the romance novel.

What about TV/Movies? What genre do you like? - fantasy

Do you believe in magic? - yes

What is your greatest fear? - death by her powers

How religious are you?  -  not very

What is your most cherished fantasy? – a place of her own that is very peaceful with the people she loves

Do you believe in soulmates/true love? -  yes

What would you die (or otherwise go to extremes) for? -  her freedom and love

What do you believe makes a successful life? -  hard work paying off

What is your biggest secret? Have you told anyone about this? If so, who? – she has told her lusus she like gamzee. Her lusus took it well

Would you rather talk to someone over trollian or face to face? – face to face

Do you know how to dance? -  no

Pet peeves? – procrastination

What type of Music do you like? – piano and violin

Hobbies? – playing music

What is your most treasured possession? Why? – equius was being nice one day and he was going to get milk for cignun…until he broke the glass. Not having enough time to clean it, he just gave her milked glass. A highblood gave her a gift. How cute ((okay there dobby))

A day in the life...



You’ve got nothing to do. Who do you talk to? - vriska

The sun is already high in the sky and you're still awake. What do you do to entertain yourself? – reading books

Are you more organized or messy? – organized

Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted? -  wake up, brush teeth, clean hive, feed lusus, feed self, walk around, troll/pester others, talk for half an hour, eat, sleep, wake up, feed lusus, feed self, talk, sleep. She feels terrible when it is disrupted

Would you leap at the call to adventure, or would you have to be dragged along? – have to be dragged

It’s raining and the power is out. How do you spend the day? – fixing the problem

Favorite food? – human French fries

Do you FLARP? If you do, what name do you go by? Describe your costume. Do you have a partner? Who? -  she used to, but she stopped. She was flarping as her ancestor, The Commanded.

All of a sudden your hive is on fire. What are the first five objects you save? – books, weapon, lusus, phone/laptop, movies




What do you want to be when you grow up? (If you’re older, what’s your occupation?) - happy

Where do you see yourself in three sweeps? Ten? Thirty? A Hundred? -  probably the same.

Be honest. How long would you survive? (Assuming you grew up to adulthood and the game didn’t mess everything up if you played.) – not a whole lot. Maybe a week

What would you like to be remembered for after your death? – being loyal

If you could choose, how would you want to die? How do you think you will actually die? – expectations: die happy knowing she did the best she could. Reality: die being forgotten

What is your biggest goal in life? – to have the freedom her ancestor didn’t have




What is your greatest strength? – loyalty

Greatest weakness? – hate and war

What three words you would you use to best describe your personality? – loyal, kind, insecure

What three words would others use? – soft, push over, loving

Name a few things you consider yourself to be good at. What about bad at? – good: being active. Bad: being strong

Do you think you’re attractive? - no

Name two things you like about yourself. Two things you don’t? – like: friends and powers. Dislike: blood and fate

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? -  blood color. She at least wants to be a teal blood. Maybe she would feel better about herself



What emoticon describes you best? -  ‘.w.)

Whoever is walking ahead of you drops a wallet with (whatever the troll equivalent of) 120 dollars in it. What do you do? – catch up to them and give it back

What would you blog about on Bubblr? - music

What is currently in your trash can? – failed artwork

Would you rather be a little too hot or a little too cold? – too hot

Cigun by TheCrazyRoleplayer

This is rping troll 2
if you look close enough...
she isn't crappy and a mutant
she is a scarlet blood.
still sh eis very low on teh hemospectrum, but she still works
i used thecrazyroleplayer.deviantart.… and thecrazyroleplayer.deviantart.…
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